For the first time in many years I find myself not tied to a bike company that makes road bikes. For mtb this year I'm riding Rocky Mountain bikes and I haven't found a cross sponsor yet. Which leaves me open to ride any road bike I want.
Tonight I went and raced our Wed Night crit here in Madison and it got me thinking. As much as I like the way my Waterford R33 rides, it really doesn't have the same snap and race feel that some of my previous "race" bikes did. And to be honest I feel like I am losing a bit when I really put down the power.
My ideal bike would be something that doesn't hold me back in any situation, road race or crit. I'm not a huge rider (155lbs) but I do hold my own in just about any P12 field and like to ride aggressively and climb a lot.
My question, what do you think the ultimate road racing bike is?
Please help.
I did not find the right solution from the Internet.